Sunday, April 8, 2012



This is a light and innocent type of kiss. No lip action required in this type of kiss.

How to: Move your face so close to your partner so that your eyelashes touch and then blink your eyes so that your eyelashes flutter against each other.

A woman's point of view:

"An old boyfriend did this once. It was more of a tease than anything. He bent over to kiss me, and then it seemed as if he changed his mind, and then brushed his eyelashes against mine. It made me laugh." - Jen (kissing since 1990)

A man's point of view:

"My mother would give me these when I was feeling sad." – Glenn (kissing since 1974)

No-No's of Butterfly Kisses

Keep it Light: This isn't anything you do with force.
Keep it Light, part deux: Most people see Butterfly Kisses as funny and light-hearted, so do not expect to ignite great passion this way.

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